Exam Access Arrangements

If you are a new student to the college and you have had any access arrangements in your previous school/college, please can you contact them and request your "Form 8

Once you have the Form 8 please either e-mail it to: examaccess@henleycol.ac.uk or bring it to our office in D573 as soon as possible.

Without this form we cannot start exam access procedures.

If you have exam access arrangements due to medical reasons please supply any medical documentation that you have either via email to: examaccess@henleycol.ac.uk or bring it to our office fin D573.

If you had EAA's before with The Henley College, please check that they are still valid by checking the portal or coming to see us in D573.

If you are student that believes that they require EAA's and has not had them before you need to approach your tutor/teachers.  You cannot come directly to us.

Any issues or questions please do not hesitate to e-mail us: examaccess@henleycol.ac.uk or visit us in D573.